Saturday, March 22, 2025

SoScrappy Saturday 3.22.2025

Today is the fourth Saturday of March of the color yellow. Normally, I would post about my Meals on Wheels place mats but the Table Scraps linky party will be posted next Saturday which is the last Saturday of the month...the fifth one!

I decided to use this free yellow Saturday to figure out a fish block. The pattern says it finishes at 12 inches and the size I need is 8 inches. Oh, and it's set on point. My guild summer party has the theme 'Day at the Beach' and the committee is collecting 8 inch finished 'things you see at the beach' blocks. My mind went to fish.

The first one was too big and slicing it down would make it very funny. The second was too small. (my math critical thinking is lacking, lol). The third is getting closer and finally on the fourth, I think I found one. It's a little large but trimming it didn't result is extreme weirdness. :) I feel like I am on my way to sewing a whole school!

Do you want to 'know' what I finally did?!

I looked up the Square in a Square block chart. The inner blocks needs to but cut at 6 1/8 inches so I pieced my little fish at 6 inches (unfinished). The chart says to cut the setting triangles at 5 1/4 inches and cut once on the diagonal. I cut mine at 5 1/2 inches, cut once on the diagonal and then trimmed to 8 1/2  unfinished. Now you know my secret. For the fins...I scaled down the size for the bigger block to smaller.

Our program leader showed the group how to 'do' Peel Back Patchwork by Annette Ornales. It's an interesting technique but a 'little too fussy' for me. Before I could 'escape', the group decided all to make a sailboat for a comfort quilt. I was bound by peer pressure to make one. I thought I would sew a trial one before I got my 'kit'. Here is my peeled back sailboat. I don't know very much about sailboats and sailing...I picked red sails as I have a bobbin of red and I needed to sew down the peeled sails. :)

Sharing today with SoScrappy Saturday.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Finish or NOT Friday 3.22.2025

I thought I would have one 'Finish' and one 'NOT' today.

My finish is the quilt I've named Liberty Logs. The Statue of Liberty panel is paired with the 2025 QOV Block of the Year (log cabin). I made the log cabin blocks on the QOV Sew Day this year.

                    Lady Liberty panel.
panto: serpentine

My 'NOT' is actually a 'Finish' as the Quilting Fairies were smiling down on me and the quilting and binding went smoothly.

First, I quilted down the Eagle Dresdens this morning.

I then made and applied the binding after lunch!

and here, she is! Eagle Dresdens!

pattern: Eagle panel with dresden plates: public domain
                I cut my dresdens at 6.5 inches width with the EZ Dresden Ruler/template
panto: serpentine

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

WIP Wednesday 3.19.2025

 I made 6 half Dresdens to place around the current QOV Eagle panel.

Since it needed more length than width, I added a little bit to the top and bottom. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough of the fireworks fabric (it's a JoAnn print, right?!) so I added Texas stars that I thought the color blended and an outer blue border. Right now, it's measuring 58 x 82 before quilting.

pattern: Dresden Plates: public domain

Monday, March 17, 2025

Design Wall Monday 3.17.2025

 Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I've had dresdens on my brain lately so I am making my next panel QOV quilt with dresden accents. This is my fabric draw and panel.

This is where I left off. I've made the dresdens and I currently have my circles flattening under my clapper.

I'm kinda liking this one! We'll see where it goes and if I still like it. :)

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Finish or NOT Friday 3.14.2025

ahhh...Happy Pi Day!

DD always volunteered to bring pie to her middle school math class on Pi Day. Her pie of choice...French Silk from the local Perkins restaurants. I smile at the memory but in the day, I cringed every pi day. LOL

I finished my yellow flower quilts and used the stripe as binding in both. I have enough of the binding leftover to use on two placemats...

First up is Flower Chains.

pattern: double 4 patch: public domain
panto: serpentine

My second finish is Flower Waves.

pattern: double 4 patch: public domain
panto: serpetine

These two happy yellow quilts check quite a few boxes and I'll be sharing them across the web this weekend. :)

 *Sharing with SoScrappy Saturday and 

Cynthia at Oh Scrap!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

WIP Wednesday 3.12.2025

 I'm making good progress on my Flower Chain quilt. I have it pieced to a flimsy.

Flower Chain also took a turn on the long arm.

Flower Chain also had the binding sewn on. I wish I would have realized I needed a fresh needle because now I have some un-sewing and re-sewing to do on the binding.

But LOOK! I had more blocks so I pieced another. This one is Flower Wave. It's a mix of light and darks chains. I had it on the wall with the lights on top.

I had the bright idea (?) to re-arrange this flimsy while sewing but maybe (?) I should have auditioned it. Well, it's sewn together now and I didn't un-sew any rows. I only have 5 of the blocks left so into the orphan box they went. 

Sharing today with Wednesday Wait Loss.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Design Wall Monday 3.10.2025

Since RSC March 2025 is yellow and I wanted to work on a donation quilt, I pulled out my yellow/flowers Double 4 Patch blocks that I made Fall/Winter of 2023. 

I really wanted to make the setting from Auntie Em's blog but after arranging the blocks I had on the design wall, I realized that I would need to cut quite a few 8.5 inch yellow squares and I still have a stack of Double 4 Patches!

So, I went for a setting that used more of the Double 4 Patches. Would you name this one: Many Trips? or Chains?

pattern: Double 4 Patch: public domain

A family friend's son plays on the University of Michigan basketball team (like 3rd or 4th string) and invited us to the game. It was University of Michigan vs Michigan State University in East Lansing (home of MSU). Our friend didn't realize how popular this game was going to be, so he got us tickets in the U of M overflow section. Here is our view! We were bleacher creatures and 4 rows below the highest row in the stadium! It was a fun day but boy, my smart watch thinks I did 11 flights of stairs. :)

Saturday, March 8, 2025

SoScrappy Saturday 3.8.2025

Today is the second Saturday of March of the color yellow.

My block today is the 2025 Stash Buster Challenge block. I was hoping if I used a darker goldish yellow and a lighter yellow, the contrast would show better.

Sharing today with SoScrappy Saturday.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Finish or NOT Friday 3.7.2025


I have two (!) finishes this week.

My first is Modified Nine Patch. I decided to sew it together in the Off Center Setting.

pattern: Modified Nine Patch
panto: serpentine

My second finish is my Stay-at-Home-Round-Robin. This project is completed well ahead of the March 24th deadline so you'll be seeing it again for the SAHRR Parade. I was anxious to complete it and move a few other projects along. I de-constructed my original piece and made it into a row quilt. I like it so much that a row quilt might just be my new SAHRR tradition. :)

pattern:     row 1:        Anja's prompt 2: blocks with half square triangles
                 row 2:        Brenda's prompt 5: half log cabin blocks
                 row 3:        Emily's prompt 6: kite blocks
                 row 4:        Gail's prompt 3:    stars
                 row 5:        Wendy's prompt 4: sliced squares
                 row 6:        Kathleen's prompt 1: quilt block using your initial
                                                                        P = pinwheels
panto: serpentine

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

WIP Wednesday 3.5.2025

I was excited to sew the final two prompt rows for my 2025 SAHRR Row by Row. I chose pinwheels for prompt 1: use your initial and prompt 2: flying geese for the half square triangle block. I squeaked by with just enough of the sashing and border fabrics. It is approximately 46 x 66 before quilting.

pattern:    row 1:    prompt 2: half square triangles by Anja
                row 2:    prompt 5: half log cabin by Brenda
                row 3:    prompt 6: kites by Emily
                row 4:    prompt 3: stars by Gail
                row 5:    prompt 4: sliced squares by Wendy
                row 6:    prompt 1: block using initial (pinwheel for Pat) by Kathleen

Thanks again to Cathy at Sane, Crazy and Crumby Quilting for the inspiration!