What can I say? Summer is here at Bell Creek Quilts and the sewing time is at a minimum! :)
Believe it or not, I didn't have any fabric that DS wanted me to use as backing. So I ordered more today. We found a *nice police* novelty. :)
Goals for next week:
I hit a little bump in the road on my current project. DS decided to change the pattern I was following up a bit and wanted a completely pieced outer border--the 4 patches. I have already cut the inner panel piece and need to *think about* how to make it all work. I have a few different ideas swirling around on the changes I need to make.
Goals for next week:
I had two finishes this week but I also went to the quilt store. Tomorrow my QOV group is having a sewing party and I needed to replenish the reds and blues! Here is my report:
Fabric added this week: 5 yards
Fabric added this year: 72.5 yards
Fabric used this week: -13 yards
Fabric used this year: -169 yards
Net fabric for the year: -96.5 yards (used)
What I accomplished this week:
*finished the binding on D9P #3
*pieced, quilted and bound D9P #4
I'm not setting any goals this week as we ease into our summer routine here at Bell Creek Quilts. I'm working on setting some summer goals but nothing very ambitious. One never knows where summer will take one!And here are my purchases at the quilt shop plus some red and blue that I reported a few weeks back.
When we moved, I ironed interfacing on a whole heap of t-shirts. DS has quite the collection of Michigan State T-shirts so I brought the green with white dots to work on his T-shirt quilt, hopefully, this summer.
Goals for next week:
I'm coming into the home stretch...lol. DS is finished with his high school classes and DD has one week worth of classes! Summer is almost here at Bell Creek Quilts! :)