I was gifted 12~6 inch squares of balloon fabric. I thought I would make some pinwheels and have a NICU quilt in a jiffy. Wrong!

I only have enough of the balloons for 6 pinwheels~3 blocks short of a 3 x 3 set. bummer.

How about a rail fence?...I *heart* rail fences! wrong again...one block short of a full rail!
that sounds wrong~but I'll run with it. :)
remember: the balloon fabric was gifted to me!

What if I use just 4 blocks set 2 x 2 and maybe a pieced border to bring it up to size?
Time to put this away and concentrate on a project that *needs* to be finished. Onto the UFO pile it goes...bummer...I really thought I could whip up something simple but fun for a NICU quilt top.
I have two nieces~one on my side of the family and one on DH's side of the family~that are graduating from High School this June. Both girls have been accepted to Michigan State University. One wants a quilt as her graduation gift and the other wants ca$h. At this point in my quilt making life~I like to gift quilts to relatives who actually want a quilt! :)
My niece asked for a *state* quilt and being the snarky aunt that I am...I had to make sure the colors are green and white (for Michigan State) and not red and white (for University of Wisconsin)~where I live!

This is the pattern of choice that I have been seeing around the web, The Disappearing Four Patch. I first saw it on
Lori's blog but I am following the tutorial on
The Proficient Needle. Her pattern called for squares that start at 6.5 inches cut with the middle *sashing* to finish at 2 inches.
Much better for me as I am not real good or comfortable with *small*.