Sunday, July 31, 2011
Stash Update Week #31
Fabric added this week: +5 yards
Fabric added this year: +174 yards
Fabric used this week: 0 yards
Fabric used this year: -160.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: +13.5 yards
What I accomplished this week:
pieced 4 Patch Posie to a flimsy
Goals for this week:
quilt and bind (yes, finish!) 4 Patch Posie
work on FAB Birthday gift~super secret~birthday is August 10th! :)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
4 Patch Posie
My math brain must be on vacation because I made 24 posies and only used 20 in this set. I guess into the orphan box they go. I'm not sure that I am loving it but someone somewhere will~right?!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
WIP Thursday
...+5 yards. Kona black along with more of the original fabric. A little cream/tan for a future QOV. :)
I've been looking through the web for a few ribbon storage ideas. My BIL made my SIL a wonderful ribbon box last summer and I think that will be on my Christmas wish list or maybe DD's. :) The adult children no longer exchange gifts on DH's side of the family!
In the mean time, I saw this idea and DD/I emptied a couple of plastic bins with holes. I found my stash of PFChang chopsticks and ta-da~ribbon storage.
It will work for now to tame the ribbons! :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Design Wall Monday
Here are a few of the *posies*.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Stash Update Week #30
Fabric added this week: +8 yards
Fabric added this year: +169 yards
Fabric used this week: -9.5 yards
Fabric used this year: -160.5 yards
Net fabric for the year: +8.5 yards~still a gain...
What I accomplished this week:
completed the Rainbow quilt
pieced a binder cover
Goals for next week:
simply. sew.
Friday, July 22, 2011
A Quick Project
Add a Jonas binder~clearanced at $1.50 along with some papers from DD's last year notebooks.
TaDa! A *new* binder that I will be able to take with my to quilt guild meetings. The bonus is a place to store my name tag so I won't loose it! That is~if I could find my one that I made for this guild! lol It is *missing in action*. I have been wearing a name tag from a previous guild but I'm thinking I may have to break down and make another more current one. :)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Rainbow Quilt
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Roadtrip Tuesday
After the meeting it was lunchtime! We drove around a bit~read DH was lost but really?! who cares as we found this yummy restaurant to eat at.
This dude meet us in the lobby.
Sorry~no pictures of the meal. I was very hungry and ate my sammy in about 5 milliseconds! All that talk about $$ made me very After the meeting~I decided the best course of action is to die at 88~before I run out of $$...
After lunch, we walked around the Woodfield Mall a bit. DD got some new shoes for school. DH was *speed walking* through the mall so I opted for the *let's head home before rush hour* choice. We got home at about 5:30 pm. Just in time for dinner. I told DH that we are cutting expenses by eating macaroni and cheese with bolgna sandwiches for dinner. That ought to buy me one more month of living expenses on the other end I figured...88 and 1/12th years.
DH said, "Let's go out". Guess who won?!
My calzone was very tasty and enough leftover for lunch today! :) Make that 87 11/12 years old. :)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Design Floor Monday..., Tuesday! Rainbow quilt is all pieced as of Sunday. Good thing, too as it needs to be gifted on Wednesday. Yikes! Is that tomorrow!?
Quilt inspiration found on Mama's Spark's blog, here, you'll need to scroll down a bit to see the original! :)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Stash Report Week #29
Fabric added this week: 0 yards
Fabric added this year: +161 yards
Fabric used this week: -10 yards
Fabric used this year: -151 yards
Net fabric for the year: +10 yards
What I accomplished this week:
finished Star Struck
pieced Rainbow to a flimsy
Goals for next week:
quilt and bind Rainbow
start another project!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Star Struck is a Finish!
The quilting.
The pieced backing. I started with the center piece and added to the top and bottom for length. I knew that I wanted to include the extra blocks but I wonder~why did I make some with the gold center and some with the blue?! As is the case sometimes~I almost like the back better than the front! I thought that one of the gold stars would do double duty as a label, too. :)
Star Struck pattern found here.
Ebb and Flow pantograph found here.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
WIP Wednesday
I also pieced a back for the Star Struck quilt and loaded it. Now to re-calibrate the long arm and quilt!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Stash Report Week #28
Fabric added this week: 0 yards
Fabric added this year: +161 yards
Fabric used this week: 0 yards
Fabric used this year: -141 yards
Net fabric for the year: +20 yards
What I accomplished this week:
sewed blocks for the Rainbow quilt
Goals for next week:
sew more rainbow blocks
piece back for Star Struck
DD and I did head to downtown twice last week to attend Summerfest.
The billing is: 11 days 11 stages 700 bands. DD and I went to see THESE guys. :)
Hop on over to JudyL's Patchwork Times to see more stash reports~some even have pictures posted! :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
WIP Wednesday
I first saw this arrangement on Mama Spark's blog, here, you will need to scroll down a bit to find it.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Design Wall Monday
DD asked if I would make Mr. J a *crummy* quilt as a *Thank You*.
'NO! NO! Mom! One of those quilts with all the scrap pieces...a *crummy* quilt.' Aha...a *crumb* quilt. At first, she wanted a purple crumb quilt for Mr. J, but when I showed her this picture of a collaborative quilt that Mama Spark had made (you will need to scroll down a bit)~DD thought it was perfect for Mr. J.
Today I made the purple blocks. The rest of the blocks were on inventory! Sorry for the wonky picture. The reds and oranges are a bit off. :)
I think this is just the right project to help get my *quilting mojo* back on track!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
My USA Flag Banner
This is what I came up with...a totally *feel good* mini project. I found a USA flag t*shirt that already had interfacing applied to it, a piece of scrap batting and navy fabric with red/white stars.
Ta-da! a new and recycled USA Flag banner! The middle tab is a little high but I am totally *loving* it!
I can hardly wait to see how it weathers the first rain~I can imagine all sorts of t*shirt mini banners to hang in this spot!
Stash Report Week #27
Fabric added this week: +15 yards
Fabric added this year: +161 yards
Fabric used this week: 0 yards
Fabric used this year: -141 yards
Net fabric for the year: +20 yards
What I accomplished this week: pieced Star Struck to a flimsy (pattern here)
Goals for next week: piece backing for SS
Hop on over to JudyL's Patchwork Times to check out the other stash reports.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Saturday's Sewing
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy Canada Day!