I've hit a mental stumbling block on the Library panel quilt, blogged about
here. It *needs* to be wider and longer to fill the available wall space. I was trying to decide if I should add an inner border of the children fabric (which I have the companion fabric THANKS to my mother-in-law! :) ) then the blue then the bow tie blocks (option A) or should I just make two rounds of the bow tie blocks border (option B)? Option A would be the easier of the two....decisions, decisions, decisions...
My 4th brother, who is my Mom's executor, recently gave me a box filled with some items from Mom's house I had asked about. Imagine my surprise and pleasure when this was some of the packing material!

The Christmas Treasures quilt made in 2011 for the Family gift exchange. Mom had taken the quilt that year as she wasn't too excited by the other gifts. By 2011, Mom at age 89 had just about everything she wanted and was starting to *gift* others with her *things*.
Happy Christmas here at Bell Creek Quilts and many THANKS to brother #4 for the happy quilt surprise! :)