Oh Boy! What a week but not in a good way...more on that later...
First up: A Big Thank You for Trisha at Villa Rosa and Diann at Little Penguin. I won a prize during the recent blog hop and it arrived earlier in the week. This book has lots of potential for many projects using many colors...I'm looking at you RSC2024~ THANK YOU! to Trisha and Little Penguin!

Second up: Winter Storm Olive. Well, she was more an ice storm for us here in lower Michigan. I spent all day Wednesday...worrying about the storm and what would happen. The power went out on Wednesday night about 8:30 pm and wasn't suppose to be back on until possibly Sunday. The first thing I did was take the ice cream out of the freezer and have a 3 scoop bowl...right? It was going to melt any way so why not enjoy it? So on Thursday, I made the decision to pack up my sewing room just in case pipes broke and water went every where. DH got a room at the local hotel with heat! I left the house and about an hour later...you guess it...the power came back on! I am happy to have power but since it was after 6 pm, we had to pay for the hotel room...better safe than sorry and warm!
I did manage to get some sewing completed before Olive arrived.
Third up is the modified Jelly Roll was with the red Tall stars is quilted and bound. We were given bundles of 42 : 3 inch cut strips to sew together at February's guild meeting. I'm just waiting on my new order of QOV labels to finish it.
pattern: Jelly Roll Race with 42 : 3 inch cut strips with
panto: Happy Times
Fourth up today is QOV Signature Quilt #8. I guess I forgot to say that the Michigan Quilts of Valor has been collecting blocks at the various quilt shows where there has been a QOV booth. The sttendees of the shows are invited to sign a block free of charge to be included in these quilts. I volunteered to take the baggie of blocks and make the quilts. Each quilt takes 35 attendee Signature blocks and 35 alternate blocks along with 2 borders. This one is currently pinned to the frame, pre-Olive.
Look! I know her! LOL
Thanks for making it all the way to the end of this very long post! The next thing I need to do is unpack and unearth all my sewing stuff. I was just putting it into cupboards and luggage, where I could find room!