...in the kitchen of Bell Creek Quilts!

My daughter's 13th birthday was Thursday!
On Tuesday night, she decided that it would be nice to take brownies to BOOK CLUB on Wednesday after school. So on Wednesday, I go to the Piggly Wiggly, buy the brownie mix, make the brownies, frost the brownies, deliver them to school in time for BOOK CLUB and pick her up after her meetings~Student Council also met on Wednesday.
Wednesday after school, DD thinks it would be nice to share chocolate covered pretzels with SPANISH CLASS on Thursday. After dinner, off to the Piggly Wiggly to buy the necessary ingredients. It was touch and go for me~but we finally ended up with enough chocolate covered pretzels. She was on sprinkle detail. :)

Thursday is the BIRTHDAY! wake up, make the cake, frost and decorate the cake. Never did take that Wilton class. Maybe I should make that a priority! tee-hee. :) We went out to dinner, then to Wal*mart, back home for presents and cake.
Friday: Friend's Sleepover Party. DD asked for a Brownie Pizza. We had gotten the supplies at Wal*mart so I bake that, clean the house~the stamping room never did come together until yeasterday~pick DD up at school, clean some more, decorate her brownie pizza. Just about then~the friends started to arrive! Made a real pizza run for dinner.

Saturday~I am actually in the sewing room. We are going to a friend's children/grandchild combination party. Two of his kids were Confirmed last week~they are like 13 months apart in age!~and a grandson is going to be baptized on Sunday. Right an impromptu quilt for the baby. After all, DD wants to *know* what is a baby going ot do with 20 bucks?! I am working on binding and laundry.
Just taking a blogging break... :)
Earlier in the week I did managed to make a decision and sew the border onto my Cub Pals' Wall Hanging. I made the back, too so all I need to do is quilt and bind.
Valerie also got her tune up and sexy new wheels. Can Edge Rider Wheels be sexy?! I think so!
That is where I've been this week! :)