Friday, May 31, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 5.31.2024

I'll take the 'NOT' today. I did manage to move my 'Birthday Bash Challenge' along to the flimsy stage. I'll be working on quilting and binding next week. I wish that I would have kept all the similar blocks together than re-arrange once all the blocks were made. I did get confused and a few of the blocks are upside down so the triangles are mismatched here and there. I do tend to 'learn something new' with every quilt. Or perhaps, I am simply reminded of 'things' I should have remembered! LOL

pattern inspiration: Mary's Wonky Rails
                                    modification: stacked 5 fabrics and made 5 slices
                                Bats from AllPeopleQuilt's Trick-and-Treats


A Very Happy 25th Birthday to my daughter! Her birthday request was to go to the Art Museum! It was actually less expensive to buy her a year Student Membership than for all three of us to enter into the museum. Now she can enjoy the art at her leisure. She also took us to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus where she just finished her first year of graduate school in Sociology!

This art work is made up of plates and other kitchen pieces! My daughter moonlighting in the kitchen for extra $$.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WIP Wednesday 5.29.2024

I started making the blocks for my October Halloween quilt. I did make an adjustment and only stacked 5 fabrics and made 5 cuts. I started putting the blocks on my design wall then started moving them around before I had them all made. I think this might have been a critical error...

pattern inspiration: Mary's Wonky RWB Rails

We are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin visiting DD. She will be 25 on Friday. DD requested that her tub be re-caulked. DH has quite a few to choose from!

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Design Wall Monday 5.27.2024

 In the US, we are remembering and honoring all who have given their lives to ensure freedoms! 


The time has come for me to begin my Casual Quilters' Birthday Bash 2024 Challenge. Since my birthday is in October, I'm going with the obvious choice: Halloween! I'm going to throw in a few bats as I volunteered to make an animal quilt for the MelonHeads September program. Here is my fabric purchase. Yes! After stuggling so long to use up Halloween, I now find myself needing to supplement my stash...

I'm going to use Mary's Wonky Rails as inspiration and the bats from AllPeople quilt Tricks and Treats .

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

SoScrappy Saturday 5.25.2024

Today is the fourth Saturday of May of the color pink.

Time for my Meals on Wheels placemats. The theme for the Table Scraps Challenge for May is 'Kentucky Derby'. I really struggled with 'fitting both elements together' this month.

I did dig into my novelty stash box and found, believe it or not!, a few Kentucky Derby squares that I used as star centers. So far, so good.

When I think of the Derby, I also think of red roses. Maybe pink roses would work?

I made a really long binding strip for all the placemats but sometimes, you lose when you 'play chicken'! close!

Here are my finished Meals on Wheels placemats for May 2024 using the prompts 'pink and Kentucky Derby'. I wonder what next months prompts will be...

pattern: 12.5 inch unfinished sawtooth star (public domain) and 
                    a 4.0 x 12.5 inch cut pink rose strip
quilting: wavy lines on Baby Brother (my domestic machine)

Sharing with SoScrappy Saturday and

Friday, May 24, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 5.24.2024

I have finishes!

The first is 'Dash No Sash' based on the pattern Dash from Fabric Cafe. This is a good pattern if you have two focus fabrics and one blender.

pattern: based on Dash from Fabric Cafe but skipped the sashings.
panto: serpentine

My next finish is Button Box, also from Fabric Cafe. This pattern is a good fit if you have one focus fabric, one blender and one fabric that falls between a focus and blender! :) In this case, the stars is my 'between fabric'.

pattern: Button Box from Fabric cafe
panto: serpentine

I'm happy to report that these two quilts above are my entries into the FB QOV Working Stars May 2024 Challenge to make a quilt using Fabric Cafe's 3 (6) yard pattern(s). Now to post over on FB!

My third finish that I snuck in is my flag quilt. I use leftover batting and I'm a little disappointed in 'how' the quilting went but I do LIKE IT! Thanks Quilting Buddy for cutting all the tumbler in 2023!

pattern: inspired by a photo on Pinterest
panto: serpentine

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WIP Wednesday 5.22.2024

Just as I thought, the two Fabric Cafe patterns went together quickly.

I'm calling this one, 'Dash: No Sash' as I made a few extra blocks. Enough for an extra row and the sash would have made it too long. (even for me! LOL)


pattern inspiration: Dash from Easy Peasy Fabric Cafe book but without the sashing.

The second one is Button Box. I don't remember if I made any alterations on this one. 😁 If I did, I would make another row of squares and then add a little bit smaller border.

pattern: Button Box from Fabric Cafe's book, Quilts in a Jiffy.

As Memorial Day is approaching, I wanted to refresh (or remake) my flag wall hanging. Then I saw this one on Pinterest.

And remembered last year, my Quilting Buddy and I spent a very pleasant day cutting tumblers on her AccuQuilt Cutter. We cut lots of 6 inch tumblers and the scraps, she sent back through with the smaller tumbler! Here is what some of the smaller tumblers look like on the design wall.

Unfortunately, I didn't have enugh of the light to make a border and Quilting Buddy lives 6 hours away. So out came the manila folder, ruler and a small tumbler.

I made myself a template! This is looking good!

I sewed it together in columns because of the orientation of the tumblers.

I added a border to the sides and ta-da!

pattern: Image found on Pinterest but no information.

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Design Wall Monday 5.20.2024

Our Admin for the FB QOV Working Stars group challenged us to make any Fabric Cafe 3 yard quilt pattern for a QOV. In most of the books, there is a conversion to increase the size of the quilts. Basically, you need 6 yards and make twice the blocks. The quilts are 'due' on the FB page by May 31, 2024.

I like to choose a pattern that has a big alternate block for my patriotic novelty. The first one to make is going to be Dash from Easy Peasy Quilts.


I've also chosen a second one as Donna's patterns work up pretty quick. The second one will be Button Box from Quilts in a Jiffy.

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

SoScrappy Saturday 5.18.2024

Today is the third Saturday of May of the color pink.

Time for my main block of the 2024 Scrap Busters Challenge. I may have over made blocks again this month. LOL

Sharing today with SoScrappy Saturday

Friday, May 17, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 5.17.2024

Wow! If you need a fast quilt...this is the pattern for you! Big squares as the checkerboard and a wide piece of novelty fabric and...may I present to you May 2024's Cinco de Mayo quilt!!! This one is mine!!

I used a new to me panto called Apollo. It was a fun sew but I'm still liking my serpentine wave I usually sew. LOL

pattern: Fabric Cafe's Checkmate
panto: apollo

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

WIP Wednesday 5.15.2024

Well, this one went together in a jiffy. Ummm...that's one of the Fabric Cafe's catch phrases...LOL

Here are the squares along with the Cinco de Mayo fabric.

Here is my completed flimsy.

pattern: Fabric Cafe Checkmate

Sharing today with Susan at MidWeek Makers

Monday, May 13, 2024

Design Wall Monday 5.13.2024

I found a yard of Mexican inspired fabric and decided to make a Cinco de Mayo quilt to showcase for the May birthdays in my night guild 'Birthday Bash' Challenge. The challenge is use your birthday month as inspiration to create ' a little something' to share at the June 2024 meeting. By the way, I'm running the challenge and always like 'to show' a little something when I stand in front of the guild to talk about the challenge. (ps: my birthday is October and I NEED to make my entry!)

I'm going to make the three yard quilt 'Checkmate' from Fabric Cafe. This is my fabric pull.

pattern: Fabric Cafe's Checkmate

Sharing with Judy at Design Wall Monday.