Saturday, May 25, 2024

SoScrappy Saturday 5.25.2024

Today is the fourth Saturday of May of the color pink.

Time for my Meals on Wheels placemats. The theme for the Table Scraps Challenge for May is 'Kentucky Derby'. I really struggled with 'fitting both elements together' this month.

I did dig into my novelty stash box and found, believe it or not!, a few Kentucky Derby squares that I used as star centers. So far, so good.

When I think of the Derby, I also think of red roses. Maybe pink roses would work?

I made a really long binding strip for all the placemats but sometimes, you lose when you 'play chicken'! close!

Here are my finished Meals on Wheels placemats for May 2024 using the prompts 'pink and Kentucky Derby'. I wonder what next months prompts will be...

pattern: 12.5 inch unfinished sawtooth star (public domain) and 
                    a 4.0 x 12.5 inch cut pink rose strip
quilting: wavy lines on Baby Brother (my domestic machine)

Sharing with SoScrappy Saturday and


Gwyned Trefethen said...

I'm impressed you had horse themed fabric for the Kentucky Derby prompt. The May placemats are sure to be a hit with their recipients.

Jenny said...

The place mats look lovely.

Judy S. said...

Those placemats are great!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love that Kentucky Derby fabric, Pat - so fun! Those stars made great placemats!

Astrid said...

Fun Kentucky Derby fabric, your placemats turned out great!

Susie H said...

Ack!!! No fair running out of binding before the end of the edges! The placemats will be greatly appreciated and sure to add a bit of cheer to the recipients.

The Joyful Quilter said...

That rose fabric is so sweet and paired with the riding fabric it made for a winning combination!

grammajudyb said...

Wonderful placemats! I too think the Derby fabric was used well! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Pat, your theme fabric was perfect, and you were so close to a perfect finish with the binding run.
The roses certainly tipped the scales in your favour. Well done!
Jane in Australia

Deb A said...

You did a great job with the challenge this month. I can't wait to see June's.