Friday, May 24, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 5.24.2024

I have finishes!

The first is 'Dash No Sash' based on the pattern Dash from Fabric Cafe. This is a good pattern if you have two focus fabrics and one blender.

pattern: based on Dash from Fabric Cafe but skipped the sashings.
panto: serpentine

My next finish is Button Box, also from Fabric Cafe. This pattern is a good fit if you have one focus fabric, one blender and one fabric that falls between a focus and blender! :) In this case, the stars is my 'between fabric'.

pattern: Button Box from Fabric cafe
panto: serpentine

I'm happy to report that these two quilts above are my entries into the FB QOV Working Stars May 2024 Challenge to make a quilt using Fabric Cafe's 3 (6) yard pattern(s). Now to post over on FB!

My third finish that I snuck in is my flag quilt. I use leftover batting and I'm a little disappointed in 'how' the quilting went but I do LIKE IT! Thanks Quilting Buddy for cutting all the tumbler in 2023!

pattern: inspired by a photo on Pinterest
panto: serpentine


Kat Scribner said...

Love your tumbler flag, so happy scrappy. Great finishes this week!

Sara said...

Both of those first quilts are wonderful QOV choices as they showcase a focus fabric so well. Great job! Love that flag quilt too!

Chrisknits said...

Oh, I love your flag!! I just might have to make one.

Delighted Hands said...

REally great finishes this week! The flag wall hanging is timely!

Judy S. said...

Nice work! You sure keep busy quilting these beauties.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Whoa!!! That is a lot of finishes!! Way to go!