I was so excited when I found this bag!
I peeked inside and there was a piece of homespun on the top...I knew I had found the leftovers from this quilt I made with the Land O'Lakes Quilt Guild fabric. When I moved from Texas to Wisconsin about 5 years ago~I tried to return the fabric but alas, it moved with me. I thought it would be fun to try and make something with the homespuns that I could send it off to
Alycia for her QOV pantry. Yes, crazy me, I made a rag quilt as a donation~hey it was 2005, I was still a newbie and I thought only rag quilts were made from homespuns!
I'm currently digging in the sewing room to find UFO's to finish and send to
Imagine my surprise when I discovered the leftovers from this strippy quilt! pattern
here. Teals, browns and leaves, oh my!
(DD is my quilt holder...circa 2005)
I removed the leaves, added a few of my *beauties* and made a Bricks quilt. Most of the strips were already cut at 3.5 inches so I just further chopped them to 6.5 inch bricks. I tried to alternate between a teal and brown/or navy. My mind must have wondered as the zig zags are not lining up...but I do kinda like it even though I would not have chosen this color pallet.
I said that I would NEVER make a Bricks Quilt. Well, my fiends, I learned NEVER SAY NEVER!
Let's save the story of the back for another post...my only hint is that I had to *dig out* the leaves, oh my! :)