I finished the binding on Green Treasures last night. I changed the name..again. Last December, I had made a
Blue Treasures quilt from the blue scrap box so Green Treasures will be the second in my color series.

Here is the back that I pieced together from the stash. I think some of this fabric has been hanging around the sewing room for about 8 years and it is happy to have found a home. :)

My view out the back...almost December 1st!
No snow here at Bell Creek Quilts but there is snow in our forecast...just flurries!
Hopefully no accumulating snow but it IS that time of the year! :)
Oh you are working in series with the scraps now, LOL! They must be reproducing while you sleep. I love how the older yardage and leftovers found a new home on the back of the Green Treasure. Way to stash bust, Pat!
And hurray for a finish! That brown just really sets off the scrappy bits!
Ooo, guess we beat you with the snow!! I snowed here this morning (briefly) and now it's gone and just COLD!! I love the way your crumbs turned out.
I love the name you gave this quilt! Those crumb blocks look great!
Soooo, will next year be red? Or purple?
Kidding aside, I like it!
Love this. Scrappy quilts are my favorite.
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