Today is the one year anniversary of Bell Creek Quilts!

Did you also know that today is
National Pie Day? I didn't know either until I visited
Patched Works where they are celebrating by giving away pie and a pattern for a yummy pie pincushion.
At the store, they also had kits available for the pie pincushion and the little tins to put the pie in once it is done. Too cute!

So for Bell Creek Quilts 1st Birthday, I am going to give away...this cute pie pincushion kit and plate!

I'm also going to delve into my box of 6 1/2 inch novelty squares and give a 'heap' of them away, too.
Let's see, to be entered...please leave a comment on this post and tell me what kind of pie is your, cherry, lemon meringue, pecan...ummm...I don't think I've meet a pie I didn't like. :) Also tell me if you would like the pie pincushion kit or the 'heap' of novelty squares. What I think I will do is print off your names, put them in a cigar box and have DD draw. Unless there are a bazillion names and then I will figure out the random number generator thingie. The first name will receive whatever their preference is. For example, Ms. A's name is drawn first and she would like the novelty squares. Mr. Z's name is drawn next then he would get the pincushion kit. If you really don't want one or the other, then put that in your comments, too because I would hate to send you something that you don't want or like. Let's give plenty of time for bloggers to enter so, the comments will be open until next Friday January 30, 2009. At 3:00pm (central time zone USA) I will close the comments and we will choose the bloggers to receive the goodies. Please make sure that I have a way contact you, if you are the lucky commenter!
Thanks to everyone for a Wonderful First Year of Blogging! :)