Friday, July 31, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 7.31.2020

Well, friends....I seem to be in a rut. A very good rut, never-the-less.

I did bind catdog tumbler #B, so I am humming along at a pretty good clip. Three more weeks and we'll be in Wisconsin to close on that house and I will be able to see my quilty friends there and deliver the guild fabric home...but in quilts! LOL

Here is Catdog Tumbler #B.

And some of my favorite prints are in this one! This is the end of these blocks. I only have a few brown paw print and the teal leftover tumblers. I'll slide those into my crumb containers and who knows when they will re-appear...

My binding buddy. She was a little pricey but she works so well to hold the bindings.

panto info: Happy Times 

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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

WIP Wednesday 7.29.2020

I quilted down the second catdog quilt!


I pulled out the Happy Times panto for something a little different than large scribbles. I had read (somewhere on the web) it takes three quilts for your muscle memory to function while long arm quilting. I can agreee! Those first few rows were challenging and it's really not a challenging panto but by the end of the quilt, I was feeling a bit more at ease. It is really hard to see...

Linking up with: Sarah at MidWeek Makers

Monday, July 27, 2020

Design Wall Monday 7.27.2020

I did it!

In order to empty this box...

I pulled out my tumbler template and just a wee bit more fabric from the closet along with the remaining tumblers...

Now I have another catdog flimsy!

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 7.24.2020

I had a little binding party!

Here's the binding, seems like a lot but not really. The process went really fast now that I sew both sides of the binding on my Brother! I tend do make quite a few children's comfort quilts and I have been told that the machine binding holds up better in the wash...

I decided to bind both Dalmatian quilts with this binding. It just seemed easier at the time. LOL

pattern info:

    left: a hybrid between Mary's Quick Strippie and Villa Rose Honor.
    right: 12 and 6 inch finished stars surround. 
    panto: large scribbles

I also sewed the binding onto the catdog tumbler quilt.

pattern: tumblers
panto: large scribbles

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

WIP Wednesday 7.22.2020

well, Hello!

The longarm has been place in front of a wall of mirrors! The previous owner had an exercise studio where my sewing space is now located, along with this wall of mirrors. Yoga, maybe? I'm not sure.

I'll need to work on better angles to take pictures from the longarm. Better, yes?

I quilted it with my trusty large scribbles pantograph.

The Dalmatian puppy print is from the Wisconsin guild stash.

Pattern info: Tumblers 13 x 13 set.

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Monday, July 20, 2020

Design Wall Monday 7.20.2020

I started working my way through fabric that I 'know' belongs to the Wisconsin guild.

Two years ago, I made a cat/dog tumbler quilt for my SIL whose breast cancer returned as bone cancer. A few of the prints were from the guild and I had collected the rest. Obviously, I over cut. LOL

Here is the current cat/dog tumbler blocks.

I think I moved them about a gizzilion times.
Here is it sewn together.
I couldn't remember if it was 12 rows of 13 or 13 rows of 12...

pattern: tumblers
             should be: 13 rows of 12.

I still have cat/dog tumblers for 2/3 of this size quilt. Maybe I'll cut more and do one more. 


I feel I should apologize for my crazy back I pieced with fabric on hand. I've been digging in the backing bits bin...

Friday, July 17, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 7.17.2020

Remember, I wasn't sure which block to surround this puppy panel with?

Since I'm not very good at making pinwheels -my centers almost never match up- I knew that option was not good. That left me with stars or churn dashes and since I love the floating/wonky star combination to make - I tried one of those.

So I made a few that finish at 12 inches and a few that finish at 6 inches plus a few 6 inch blanks.

I'm liking this one! But I wanted it to be a bit larger.

Shh! Don't tell that my top/bottom and side borders are different widths!

Here it is all quilted with the large scribbles panto waiting for binding.

DH was looking to clear some 'things' out of the garage and I suggested that he place an ad on FB for the moving boxes. That way someone who needs them will be able to use them before they hit the recycle bin. He advertised them for FREE and responded to the first person who wanted them. Imagine our surprise when the woman showed up -on duty- in an ambulance!

Here is DH helping to load the moving boxes. Somehow it just felt 'right' to give the boxes to an essential worker!

Linking up today with:


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

WIP Wednesday 7.15.2020

I'm happily surprised!

I old and ran the longer Monday and much to my delight...everything appears on track. I need to do a little fine tuning on the tension and she has a slight whine but nothing outright major wrong with her after sitting for about 7 weeks! Two of those on a bench in the new house basement. I'll have to listen and see if the whine gets worse, that might be a sign she needs new motor brushes.

Here is the little ditty that I quilted. It still needs binding.

I'm happy to say that I kept Large Scribbles panto in a safe place, lol

Also in the baggie with this quilt parts, I found this panel. 

Now to surround it with blocks. Should I make stars, pinwheels, churn dashes or ?

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Monday, July 13, 2020

Design Wall Monday 7.13.2020

I pieced together a little charity quilt with 101 Dalmatian piece of fabric from the Oconomowoc Quilt Guild. I decided to keep the fabric whole as I thought chopping it up wasn't a good choice. I wasn't going to buy fabric and just use what I have but...

the polka dots were, well...just too much. I did head over to the box store and the pickings were a little slim.

Paw prints and bones in blues to the rescue. I like this better but I think I would have liked the paw prints and the polka dots reversed. BUT, I'n not going to rip it! This little quilt is destined to be a check for the long arm sewing. Now to oil the log arm, load the quilt, make the back and mostly, frankin-batt...wish us well!

pattern inspiration:

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Friday, July 10, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 7.10.2020

I finished framing out my 16 patches. The gray frames towards the bottom blend with the white frames but I'm in a try to 'use the stash' mode.

Here it is with the frames. It ok but a little ho-hum and kinda well, drab.

So, I decided it needed a border. I thought the easiest would be to sew a few of my 2.5 inch strips together. Better, but not sure I'm sold on it! 

In the meantime, I'm linking up with:


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

WIP Wednesday 7.8.2020


The white frames were easier than the gray frames! 

Although I'm thinking about calling this quilt 'Brain Dead' took me until towards the end of the white frames to get into the rhythm of sewing. It's been a solid three weeks since I sewed ANYTHING. The last bit of sewing I had done were crumb blocks and you don't really need to be too precise when piecing the actual blocks!

Speaking of crumb blocks, here is the beginnings of the last blocks made in Wisconsin.

Here are the white crumb blocks with just a touch of black.

Here are my 16 patches all framed out.

pattern credit: RWB Framed 16 patch
                        (one blocks are trimmed to 10.5 inches unfinished)

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Monday, July 6, 2020

Design Wall Monday 6.6.2020

Well last week I was working on framing my 16 patch blocks. I was struggling with it, so I put them aside and made a few RWB masks for the holiday weekend. I decided to try and make a few with the elastic. More struggling, lol. So when DH suggested leaving for his parents' cottage earlier than planned (like Thursday after work), I jumped at the opportunity to leave my sewing struggles behind.

Here are a few of the masks. My BIL keep one...

Here is where I started today on the design wall. I had framed out one white and one grey before the holiday weekend.

Well, my struggles continue. I thought I had enough cut for 4 frames but turns out only 3 and this was the end of that particular fabric. One frame is just a hybrid of two fabrics, lol. 

I did finish out the grey frames on the blocks, although the lower blocks are lighter in color. Next will be cutting, sewing and trimming the white frames. Here is it's current  status.

Here's to hoping the white frames are not a struggle!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

WIP Wednesday 7.1.2020

I decided to work on my 16 patches...and since they seem to vary in size, I thought I would frame them out. :) I'm planning on trimming them all to 10.5 inches.

Here are a few on my design wall.

Here are some strips waiting to be sewn into strip sets.

Oh NO! Looks like I'm one block short!

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