Friday, July 17, 2020

Whoop! Whoop! 7.17.2020

Remember, I wasn't sure which block to surround this puppy panel with?

Since I'm not very good at making pinwheels -my centers almost never match up- I knew that option was not good. That left me with stars or churn dashes and since I love the floating/wonky star combination to make - I tried one of those.

So I made a few that finish at 12 inches and a few that finish at 6 inches plus a few 6 inch blanks.

I'm liking this one! But I wanted it to be a bit larger.

Shh! Don't tell that my top/bottom and side borders are different widths!

Here it is all quilted with the large scribbles panto waiting for binding.

DH was looking to clear some 'things' out of the garage and I suggested that he place an ad on FB for the moving boxes. That way someone who needs them will be able to use them before they hit the recycle bin. He advertised them for FREE and responded to the first person who wanted them. Imagine our surprise when the woman showed up -on duty- in an ambulance!

Here is DH helping to load the moving boxes. Somehow it just felt 'right' to give the boxes to an essential worker!

Linking up today with:



karenbbsnow said...

Your floating wonky stars are perfect surrounding that cute puppy! I may have to borrow that idea one day :)

Judy S. said...

Adorable! I love that puppy block.

grammajudyb said...

A great solution to surrounding smallish panel! It’s cute as a “new puppy”!

JanineMarie said...

What a fun way to expand on that panel—and I like the different widths in the borders. Way to go with the freecycling!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What a great quilt!!! It is just adorable!!