Monday, July 6, 2020

Design Wall Monday 6.6.2020

Well last week I was working on framing my 16 patch blocks. I was struggling with it, so I put them aside and made a few RWB masks for the holiday weekend. I decided to try and make a few with the elastic. More struggling, lol. So when DH suggested leaving for his parents' cottage earlier than planned (like Thursday after work), I jumped at the opportunity to leave my sewing struggles behind.

Here are a few of the masks. My BIL keep one...

Here is where I started today on the design wall. I had framed out one white and one grey before the holiday weekend.

Well, my struggles continue. I thought I had enough cut for 4 frames but turns out only 3 and this was the end of that particular fabric. One frame is just a hybrid of two fabrics, lol. 

I did finish out the grey frames on the blocks, although the lower blocks are lighter in color. Next will be cutting, sewing and trimming the white frames. Here is it's current  status.

Here's to hoping the white frames are not a struggle!

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