Did you know that is also National Pie Day?
To celebrate~I am hosting a Give Away!
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and tell me what you would like if your name is drawn. The first drawn name will receive the birthday gift of their choice and well...the second name drawn will receive the other. For example I would comment:
'Hi! My name is Pat and I currently live in Wisconsin. I would really like to win the Starbucks gift card and mug because I am a serious coffee drinker!'
I'll keep the comments open until next Saturday January 30, 2010 until 10:30 am central standard time (since I do live in Wisconsin!). Then I'll have DD draw them names and announce the winners!
Thanks for celebrating Bell Creek's 2nd Birthday with me! :)
Happy Birthday! My name is Leta and I live in N.C. I have been longing to do a small selvage quilt .
Hi my name is Pam and I would really like to win the selveges because ~~~ well because I am addicted to them~ As you know!!!
Happy Bday to my good FAB pal!!
Back online later this afternoon...might catch you then
Happy Birthday Bell Creek Quilts! I'm Lori from SD, and would love the Starbucks mug because no day starts WITHOUT coffee!! And I have some homemade peach pie filling waiting, I would make a pie to go with it, in honor of National Pie Day!!
Happy Birthday! I would love the selvages.
Hi Pat, I'm Sherrill from TX and I would love either. Don't drink coffee but am married to one who does! LOL And I'm a selvege collector (nothing made YET)! Congrats on the 2 yr. anniv./b-day!!
Hi Pat, I'm JoAnne in Keller, TX and you know how I love selvages so that would be my favorite gift. Happy Birthday Bell Creek Quilts!
Hi, I'm Nancy from Missouri... I would love to have the Starbucks GC and mug....(I have enough selveges!LOL)
Happy Birthday to you!!
I'd love to win the Starbucks gift card and mug because I have an addiction I can't afford in this economy! :)
Congrats on the milestone.
I would love the Starbucks gc and the mug.
I love to be able to get a warm drink every now and again when I am out with my nephews.
My sister has three little boys (all under the age of 4) and well they love to play out in the snow and the park and in the Chicago area it is cold right now.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
Hello My name is Christine, I live in québec Canada. I just starded quilting 6 month ago, a would love to have the nice shoebox, I would think of many things to do with it.Plus I have never wone anything.
Thank you.
Hi Pat, I am Christa from Wisconsin. I really enjoy your blog and would love to win the Starbucks prize. I feel I sometimes can't function without coffee seeing I have a 2 year old running around and Starbucks would be a treat I don't normally get. Christa.
Nice giveaway, Pat! As for me, here in NC, I'm having a hard time deciding. I love that mug, and though I don't go to Starbucks often, there's one right in my grocery store, so it would get used.
On the other hand, I've been collecting selvedges for a few months now and need more.
You decide! lol
Happy 2nd blog-anniversary!
I'm Liz from Edmond OK and I've been enjoying your blog via the stashbusting and design wall reports.
I can't believe you are going to give up your selvages. I finally took my small stash and made something and it was fun, though time consuming to sew all those little strips together, just to get a small square!
If I am lucky to be drawn for the prize - I'll take the selvages off your hands!!
Congratulations, Pat, on your second anniversary. I hit mine three days ago but forgot about it! Count me in for the coffee card!
I have a selvedge project percolating in my mind. A linen and selvedge bag. Would love your colelction to add variety to the ones I have already.
Hi, Pat. I am Linda J from AL but you know that. First of all, happy blogiversary! My, how time flies, huh? Pam is the one who probably wants the selvages so put my name in the coffee "pot"
Congrats!!! I'm Karen in NC...Starbuck's and fabric selvedges, either would be the makings of a perfect day!
With the weather we have been having in MN, I truely could use the mug, however my sweet tooth says it is for Hot Chocolate!!
happy 2nd Birthday!
Barbara, MN
I can't believe I missed your birthday......bad bad friend. I have been too self absorbed. Congrats!!!
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