Friday, I made the bias binding for the tree skirt. Or as DD (mis)called it, 'bogus binding'. :) maybe for me, it is more bogus than bias...lol
On Thursday, I was hunting down some clips in the sewing room for DD. You know, those huge binder clips that I used to hold down the backing to the table to sandwich a quilt. years ago? I thought I knew where they were but...

...I uncovered some more *dinosaur* fabric. This pile is about 18 inches each piece. Notice the Teletubbies fabric! That has to be circa 2001 or 2002 when I first begin my quilting journey. :) The pink desserts is relatively new, only since February 2010.

...I uncovered more *dinosaur* fabric. This pile has at least a yard of each print. Okay~help me out~Chili peppers with 'Feliz Navidad'~what was I thinking (or planning)?!

Friday I also went to JAF. I *needed* more muslin for the Baked Potato/Tortilla Steamer bags and I found this cute red/pink polka dot on the sale rack.
I'm thinking that I will be making a few of the Cancer Recovery Totes~out of the angels and birds and apples~but the other stuff...well I just might make grocery sacks out of them! I'm not exactly sure *how* I will use the yardage.
ps I never did find the clips for DD! :(
I love that Christmas/snow village scene fabric that you found in the dinosaur pile!
I remember the chili pepper fabric!
LOL, now I see what you and Norma will talking about yesterday---the potato bags and snow village fabrics. Color me slow to catch up!
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