Friday, December 27, 2024

Finish or NOT Friday 12.27.2024

 Today I have a sorta 'finish'. I did complete the 'foster' style tote bag for DD and received the 'go ahead' to install the zipper. Here is the tote on the design wall but I have yet to install the zipper.

pattern inspiration: Mondo bag. found here.

One set of directions for installing a recessed zipper can be found here.

Sharing today with Alycia at Finish or NOT Friday.


Bonnie said...

Nice bag -- good luck on the zippers. I thought most bag directions have you put the zipper in before the sides are sewn together. It's easy peasy when it's flat. Hope you have a successful zipper sewing.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is quite fancy!!!

Delighted Hands said...

You will do fine with the zipper! Great bag!