player from the Milwaukee Admirals told me that his favorite color combination is blue and yellow. It makes a lot of sense as he is from this
country. :)

Well, I kept wanting to make yellow stars on a blue background for this quilt. More traditional, if you know what I mean. As I looked at more and more star patterns, I remembered I had started a star sampler about 7 years ago. I put it away from some reason~frustration maybe? I pulled it out and I had 9 yellow stars on various blue backgrounds. I made 3 more uneven (were suppose to be wonky but didn't quite *wonk out*) then dug into the yellows for sashing and borders. Not enough for both and since I didn't want to buy~I just sorta cobbled it together. I also had 29 inches left of a blue/yellow print that I used in the outer border.
I learned a few things from this UFO.
1. Put away fabric with it if you ever plan to finish it!
2. I am not so worried about perfection in my piecing as I was 7 years ago!
3. Better pieced into a top rather than pieces in a pizza box! lol

Check out the one point on this friendship star! yikes.

I know I have a tri-recs ruler somewhere. Here is the block that proves it and look at these points! Just chopped off a little, right?!

What was I thinking here?! Don' answer! I don't want to know!
Once I seam the backing, it will get quilted and bound. It finishes at 50 x 63, the minimum for a Quilt of Valor, I believe.
Someone, somewhere will be covered and warmed with this quilt. :)
Out of the box and into some one's arms. :)
good for you for puling out an UFO!
I meant *pulling* :)
Beautiful, Pat! I like it! We're up to 80+ degrees this week - love it. Wish it would last and not turn into 100 too soon.
I always love blue and yellow quilts,
someone, somewhere will be THRILLED with this beautiful quilt!!!!
Hurray for a finish. I agree---better that it see the light of day rather than the interior of a pizza box. You don't want to leave it for your family to saysay "what was she thinking!?"
Blue and yellow, such a classic combo.
OK, did I miss something? How do you get access to all of these players to ask them what their favorite colors are and make them their own quilt? What a great way to use up that stash!
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