This is the present I mailed to
Pam. She loves 30's prints and Mary Englebreit!
Pam is also collecting selvages so I included what I have been saving for the past year!
Happy FAB Birthday,
As part of our FAB Birthday party,
Pam suggested we have a sewing day and she chose the
Jelly Roll Race Quilt for our project.

Here is my inner part of the quilt. I took a little longer than the lady in the video~about 90 minutes from when I first started sewing the long seams. It also took me about 30 minutes to press...lol. I like this technique except you have a lot of twists in the first long seam but it straightened out for me as my center grew. I had to double up on some of my strips and wouldn't you know, the same fabrics fell together in a few spots. iiwii.
I wonder what it would look like if I sewed joined 2 blues then 1 yellow in the long strip? the possibilities are endless! :)
Check out the other FAB's blogs as they finish their Jelly Roll Race Quilt.
Well done on both counts, Pat! I love the bowtie runner, of course. Hard to go wrong wiht 30's prints, IMHO.
And look how neat your Jelly Roll quilt turned out! It seemed like that first seam was a bear but you all were on a roll once you got passed that. I;m still a little confused about just what you did and should to watch that video again.
Today was perfect! There is nothing better than sewing with your friends. I love your version of the strip quilt. Are you still considering adding stars? It took me a while to press at the end of the process too. I think next time I would press sooner and not necessarily wait until the end.
I am treasuring my new table runner...which has already been placed on the table and is already being patted and oohed and aahed over. Thank you again! And for the selveges...which I PROMISE I will start a project with soon! I even bought a book of selvege projects, and for me to buy a book ~ well I just DON'T buy books!
Your JR1600 is wonderful! I totally love how it turned out ~ and stars for a QOV sound just right.
Thanks Pat...you are a FABulous pal!
Thanks for turning me on to this project. I saw the other quilts and I may have to make one of these. I think it would be good for BCQG retreat since it doesn't have to be pressed as you go . . . Now, just to decide on a color scheme or should I use up one of the Jelly Rolls I'm hoarding? Maureen
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