About a week or ten days ago, I volunteered to quilt one of
Linda's donation quilts for her. She sent me a wonderful package full of surprises (Thank You!) including this quilt and the backing/binding fabric. The design is
Cher's from a FAB cyber sew-in last June, affectionately named 'Cher's Gym Floor'. Cher and Linda worked together to create a pattern that the FAB's were able to sew from that day. You might enjoy peeking at the other quilt tops to see how each one is the same, yet different...
Norma and

I really like Linda's choice of colors! After all, green in The New Neutral, right?! LOL

Here are a few close-ups of the various animals in the fabric.

I just LOVE the pink flamingo in the upper right corner :) I was thinking about using a 'new to me' panto but nothing seemed to fit with this happy quilt. The 'new' pantos are flowers, Santas, mittens, Angels, stars and Noah's animals...and pretty dense quilting. I used Popcorn by Willow Leaf Studio (their website is down or I would have linked you guys there), simply because it is a tad on the whimsical side and provides good coverage without causing the quilt to feel like a board once quilted.
Thanks Linda for letting me practice my quilting on one of your donation quilts :)
I love this quilt. It will make someone very happy.
Nice job on the quilting, Pat! I love this cute little quilt--so bright and cheery!
I really, really like the popcorn pattern after seeing it on your blog and finally decided to give it a try. It's not so hard for me as I expected, and I like it even more now. Thanks for that, Pat! I just love the colors in Linda's quilt--so bright and cheerful, and you've done a nice job quilting it too.
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