I finished the three tote bags (with comfort pillows) for the cancer patients that I had cut out last week. This will bring my donation total to six for next month. I made another bright butterfly and two wild paisley prints that were on the bottom shelf of the cupboard. Wonder what other treasures lie hidden in the cupboard?! *VBG*

Since I was on a roll with the tote bags, I made one up for DD for Trick-or-Treating. She requested pumpkins and/or jack-o-lanterns. When I was young, we always used a pillowcase to collect our candy in. I had brought enough 'jacks' to also make a pillowcase to carry the overflow candy from the tote bag. Think I will go to the local home improvement store and buy some thin acrylic to make the bottom of the 'jack' tote a little sturdier...for all that candy she will collect! *VBG*
Hey, I've been so busy get stuff ready for Christmas sales I'm behind in my blogging. So Happy Birthday to you!!! Love the tote bags
Very nice fabric for the tote bags/pillows! Around here for trick-or-treating last year my son got at least 6 cans of soda! I was absolutely shocked (besides the fact that it was heavy, I had never heard of giving soda for Halloween). I am threatening to take the wagon this year, LOL! Kids just love novelty fabrics and I am sure your daughter will like her Halloween treats from Mom!
Didn't these turn out oh so cute! These are sure to be a day brightener for someone undergoing breast cancer treatments. Is the group doing the turban/bonnets as well?
DD is going to love her version!
No doubt this will help the stashbusting totals if they didn't already.
Hi Pat, thanks for stopping by. I sure not made the rounds as much as before I started the challenge, but I think of you often *VBS*
Mill Ends is a "store" store. Not online that I know of, but I suppose it could be typed into a search engine to checl. I use the one in Eau Claire, just off HWY 93. IT's been there for ages, it seems. I'm pretty sure there is one in Wausau, and all over the Twin Cities.
They usually have a really great selection of good fabric at $1.88 a yard, a couple of shopping carts full of bolts. They get such huge amounts of inventory in, they move the stuff along pretty fast. It's not that I need any more fabric, but a yard here or there(for stash)isn't too bad. Love the tote bags *VBS*. Hugs, Finn
Hey Pat, tonight is my night to catch up on my favorite blogs... Your totes are wonderful, and the Halloween one is my favorite, that one is just so cute. Good idea for an acrylic bottom. We've been trying out some different ideas here too for a sturdier bottom for the totes.
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