Happy Earth Day! I had visions of grandeur today! I would be at my sewing machine, sewing eco-friendly re-usable grocery totes (which have been on my sewing list forever!) but it didn't happen. :(
photo: Google Image search: Earth Day 2011
Instead: I slept late, did two loads of laundry, attended Good Friday Services, and packaged up a couple of boxes. I also went to Wal*Mart so the Easter Bunny and his candy would magically appear at Bell Creek Quilts this weekend. :)
Wonder what is in the boxes?

Box #1: I send my *its and bits* of batting to my friend Pam. Affectionately referred to as *Wisconsin Air* Watch out Pam, some more *Wisconsin Air* is trucking its way to your home. :)

Box #2: Carin and Carol at
Margaret's Hope Chest are holding a quilt drive. Not only are they accepting finished quilts but also any quilt tops anyone may wish to donate. If you send some tops or quilts and comment on their
blog post, you are entered into a contest.

It was a tight fit but I managed to fit six completed quilts into the box. Carin and Carol, your box is trucking its way to you, too!

I was a bit lazy today, too. I simply *inked* the back of the quilts for my portion of the label.
Yeah! Love your quilts!!! We will be needing them this year with FIVE prison giveaways planned! Thanks so much!!!
Carin from MHC
I {heart} Wisconsin Air...BIG TIME! Thanks my FABulous Pal Pat!
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