Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day 11.11.2014

I have been sewing up some loose ends for Veteran's Day this year.

I added the labels to the two QOV's I have here and I also made the two pillowcases/ presentation cases that need to accompany the quilts.  I need to write the letters to the Vets receiving the quilts than I can send them off to Alycia. I heard she needs like 65 quilts for presentations this November - which will deplete her supply of QOV's.

So now is the time for mine to head over to her 'holding station' before they find their forever homes!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Tonight is the local QOV presentation ceremony. The last I heard 80 veterans will be awarded a QOV. I am proud to have made a few of the quilts to be presented to those who have selflessly served.