Monday, November 25, 2024

Design Wall Monday 11.25.2024

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and we are hosting this year, sewing will be limited at best. :)

I unearthed another vintage top under the Christmas fabric basket. This one is only about 8 years old and was a test of a wedge ruler for a wedding Christmas tree skirt gift. I thought i would spray baste it and sew a few lines in the wedges to hold it together. Although it will need bias binding...oh my!

I also had the bright idea that I needed a few Thanksgiving hot pads for the table. Scarecrow fabric, snowflakes, a little green binding and Insule Brite. 

Fingers crossed. :)

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Sara said...

Such a pretty Christmas tree skirt. I made a brand new bargello tree skirt this year and I'm excited to use it under the tree.

Delighted Hands said...

The tree skirt is very pretty for just a test run! The T-giving gathering will be wonderful for you!