Friday, January 10, 2025

Finish or NOT Friday 1.10.2025


I had enough snowman/penguin to re-cut for place mats. I decided just on a 'wholecloth' type front with the red polka dots as the back. I've been wanting to try facing a quilt since I saw examples of 'facing' last spring (spring 2024!)

pattern: wholecloth cut at 19 x 13 and cut to 18.5 x 12.5 after quilted
quilting: wavy lines on Baby Brother
            note to self: I cut my facing at 2.0 inches, pressed then cut 2 at 12.5 inches
                                 and 2 at 18.0 inches. I places the sides first and top/bottom 
                                second before sewing at 1/4 inch from edge.

I'm going to take Baby Brother into the spa. She's having some tension issues.

My other finish is that I completed the quilting on a Casual Quilters' QOV.

pattern: no information given but...
                bricks are cut 3.5 in x 6.5 inches with every other row has 1/2 bricks 
                on the ends.
panto: serpentine


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a cute print for placemats! (Of course, I love the skating penguins!) The brick quilt is a neat one - pretty quick to sew up once the bricks are cut, I bet.

Nann said...

Hooray for the set of placemats! Nice design for the QOV.

Delighted Hands said...

Nice job on the group of place mats! The quilt is very pretty! said...

That is a cute print for the placemats and a nice QOV too! Well done!!!