Friday, January 31, 2025

Finish or NOT Friday 1.31.2025

This week I was concentrating on finishing the few QOV's that I have here. I did finish three of the quilts. 

First up is Signature Quilt Lima:

pattern: 8.0 inch cut alternating signature squares with a patriotic print
                    the rails are cut at 3.0 inches before sewing together 

Second up is one of the tops sent to me by Carol from New Hampshire:

pattern: Strip joints by GE Designs, pieced by Debbie S
panto: serpentine

The next quilt is the second top in the box.

pattern: Big Stars, Big Bars by Lisa Sutherland, pieced by Debbie S
panto: serpentine

The third and last top in the box. Unfortunately Baby Brother is having some tension issues as I was sewing down the binding. Back to the spa she goes tomorrow. This one is the unfinished picture I shared on FB (no binding).

pattern: Strip Tile Tango by Lisa Sutherland, pieced by Janet C.
panto: serpentine


Pam said...

Lovely QOV quilts!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Great finishes!!!!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Beautiful work! Are the squares on Big Stars, Big Bars 6” finished or 5” finished? The pattern isn’t online so I’m going to wing it.