...were spent doing laundry for four and a full day at the Wisconsin State Fair.
The first load of laundry that I did, I managed to flood the laundry room. After I cleaned that up, along with 3 years worth of lint under the washer and dryer, I worked on the wash. At about 3:00 pm, DS noticed that his DVD case (and movie inside) were wet! OMGosh, the flood dripped down into the basement and soaked about 10 of the drop ceiling tiles. DS was wonderful and got the ladder and removed the soaked tiles. At about this time, the Grandparents arrived. They were a welcomed diversion from my *crisis* I was dealing with.
This latest flood just re-inforces my opinion that *water is evil* and it seeps/soaks everything/everywhere when given the opportunity!

Thursday, August 13th was our day at The Wisconsin State Fair. DD took a friend and the only picture I took was the two of them in the SkyRide. We always look forward to the SkyRide and this year, we rode it 4 times! :) We did visit the Crafts Building where the quilts, woodworking, baskets, sewing, jams, bread, flowers, fruits, vegetables, cakes and just about anything one might imagine was entered into the fair for judging. We also went into the building that features Wisconsin made products and another that has the vendors in it. The last building has the 4H displays and some kid's make it/take it projects~which were popular with the girls. We also watched pig racing~what a hoot! is all I am going to say about that! We decided to skip the animal barns this year as the allergies were acting up for DD and myself! and neither of us remember to take the allergy meds before going to the fair.
Friday was the finishing of laundry.
Saturday we packed and headed out on the family vacation!
Your comments about the WI State fair brought back memories. As for the water, soory for your mess, but ours has been turned off all day in the n'borhood for repair work of some sort, and I dare say we miss it!
Great time at the fair, sounds like. Sorta made up for the mess with the laundry? Not the best of timing there when you had so much to catch up on so you could get packed up again. Hopefully whatever caused it is not persistent!
Oh no...sorry to hear about the flood. I think water is evil too. Our single serve coffee machine keeps getting plugged up by our well water, so we had to go to the 5 gallon jugs. It also makes us replace our shower heads all the time due to clogging. I hate wasting all that time that could be spent quilting!
We used to take the kids to the fair all the time, but I haven't been to one in years. Pig racing? I just can't quite envision that. Not fun in the laundry room!
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