On Saturday, August 15th, we headed north through Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, across the Mackinac Bridge and arriving at the Family Compound in the evening. When we arrived, BIL,SIL and their kids had a wonderful fire built. We spent some time around the fire catching up then off to unload our luggage.
Sunday was a day at the dirt track and on the boats, although a storm kicked up right as the group was arriving back at the cottage.

Monday, 9 of us loaded into Grandpa's motorhome for a tour of the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan). We travelled to Saint Saulte Marie, Mi and went through the Soo Locks boat ride. My friend, Maureen and DH had just visited here and it sounded like fun, plus DD had just learned about the Soo Locks at school. Visit Maureen's
travel blog for some great pictures...you might need to scroll through a few pages as she has visited many places since Michigan.

We also visited Whitefish Bay and a few brave souls walked in Lake Superior! (ummm...not me!)

Not to be discouraged, Grandpa drove the few extra miles to Tahquamenon Falls, both upper and lower. They were very pretty and worth the drive to visit. After a snack of ice cream, we loaded back into the motorhome and arrived in Saint Ignace, Michigan for the night around 9:00 pm.

Tuesday was our day on Mackinac Island. 7 chose to ride their bikes while my MIL and I decided to visit shops on foot. We had a wonderful, peaceful serene lunch overlooking the gardens and water. (no pictures as DH took my camera---he was a biker---as he left his in the motorhome). I even ate half of a whitefish sandwich! definitely a big step for me as I usually don't eat fish of any kind!
Wednesday and Thursday were cottage days. My SIL has a wonderful stamping/card making area that DD and I we able to play with. Thanks, Auntie El for sharing your stash with us!
I visited a thrift store in search of an apron, but alas, none was to be found.

What followed me home was a yard of this kiddie novelty fabric (for 5ocents) and

this quilt.
Now I know WHY I must label my quilts...if the quiltmaker had labeled her quilt~I would know so much more about it!

I also have a stash of coffee mugs...so naturally a few followed me home. :)
Friday and Saturday we travelled south for a visit with my family. One niece was having a birthday party so it was fun to see most of my family at the party. My sister was also in town, visiting friends.

Sunday, DD had a *rider request* for a stop. A fun little town with only a party store/ice cream /gift shop. :)

Well one last photo...who can resist the Chicago skyline as one sits in traffic?!
Hope you enjoyed my trips as much as I did! Now to get back to sewing and quilting!
Looks like you had pretty good weather for the sight seeing.
I have been to Mackinac Island and the UP as well as the Canadian side of Sault Ste. Marie but it was on my 30th bday---LOL, you can do the math!
Thanks for sharing the pictures. Lovely quilt top--Pickle Dish, I think on first glance. See if THIS looks like your wonderful top.
Sounds like a fun trip, Pat. Did you buy any fudge on Mackinac Is.? I never ever saw so many fudge shops as there! Nice quilt you found! The end of your trip was through lots of traffic, one slow drive for sure! Been there....
Looks like you are having a grand time.
Welcome Home Pat! That quilt is just beautiful. What a great find.
Thanks for all the photos! I love seeing pictures of different US places--some I may never get to see in person.
Wow, beautiful scenery and great photos! Except the bridge--that looks like one scary bridge. What a lucky find, cool quilt.
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