Saturday, January 4, 2025

SoScrappy Saturday 1.4.2025

Today is the first Saturday of January of the color pink. Since I still have a stack of 4.5 inch novelties, I decided to carry over Mary Johnson's Happy Blocks for another year. (I also have a stack waiting to be pieced into tops!) I'm trying the less is okay with the RSC blocks...we'll see how I do!

pattern: Mary Johnson's Happy Blocks

Sharing today with SoScrappy Saturday.


Jenny said...

I'm alway happy making happy blocks too, they stitch up in no time at all.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

There's those avocados - so cute! And I love the bookworms, too. Fun blocks, Pat!

Nann said...

Happy blocks are such a great way to show off novelty prints!

Delighted Hands said...

The blocks are beautiful--it will be another good year of RSC!

Susie H said...

Your blocks are beautiful and HAPPY! I'll have to snag the RSC2025 logo. I must have missed it somehow!