Monday, February 3, 2025

Design Wall Monday 2.3.2025

Saturday February 1st was the QOV National Sew Day. My online group picked the Log Cabin block (the national block for 2025) as the block to make. I got off to a slow start as Baby Brother and I went back to the spa for tension issues. Turned out the diagnosis was operator error: wrong/dull needle with (too thick) thread. The 'therapist' placed a new sharp needle into Baby and it seemed to help at the shop. At home...not so much. I was able to find a new Quilting 90 needle and that worked! So happy. :)

I made 10 log cabin blocks. I want to use the blocks with one of the panels I have. I thought I needed 14 total blocks so Sunday, I made 4 more. Now I think I need another 4...sigh... 

My fabric draw for the log cabin blocks.

My first set of blocks.

Here are a few of the layouts I was playing with...I think I like Layout 3 best.

Layout 1:

Layout 2:

Layout 3:

Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.


Sara said...

Wonderful rich fabric choices for the Log Cabins. All of those layouts look great, although I like the first one best.

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