My next project is the 2025 Stay at Home Round Robin.
When I left was in a very wonky state.
I had not sewn the last four rounds together and was happy for that foresight. I proceeded to take it apart down to the light blue first round. I discovered that the Mountain Majesties was the culprit. They were very wonky and not even the same length! Gee whiz...glad I checked.
At this point, I decided to change my horses mid-stream and direction. I am inspired by Cathy at Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting where she picked 5. fabrics as centers and used the prompts as rows to complete the quilts. I am changing this year's SAHRR to a row quilt!
Here are my completed rows...
and with the sashings.
pattern: row 1: prompt 5: Half Log Cabin blocks by Brenda
row 2: prompt 6: Kite blocks by Emily
row 3: prompt 3: Stars by Gail
row 4: prompt 4: Sliced Squares by Wendy
I'm missing two prompts:
*prompt 1: Quilt block using your initial by Kathleen and
*prompt 2: Half Square Triangles by Anja.
I am definitely liking this as a row by row much better! I did put my center and round 1 into the 2025 UFO bin with hopes of sewing out the bin in December.
Sharing today with Judy at Design Wall Monday.