Wednesday, March 19, 2025

WIP Wednesday 3.19.2025

 I made 6 half Dresdens to place around the current QOV Eagle panel.

Since it needed more length than width, I added a little bit to the top and bottom. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough of the fireworks fabric (it's a JoAnn print, right?!) so I added Texas stars that I thought the color blended and an outer blue border. Right now, it's measuring 58 x 82 before quilting.

pattern: Dresden Plates: public domain


LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a neat design idea to border the panel! I love the fireworks fabric. I think a lot of QOV quilters are going to miss Joann's!

Delighted Hands said...

That's a great solution to the needed length!!! Very sharp!

Jeanna said...

I have such a hard time getting panels squared up. You've done a great job with this one. The dresdens are a beautiful addition.