This week JudyL has been in my head saying, "Do your chores, run your errands, clear the deck to sew this weekend for Quilt-a-thon!" So on Monday I did DD's laundry and sewed a little, Tuesday (are you ready?) I cleaned the house and my DH's laundry, Wednesday I did DS's laundry, went to the dentist and sewed a little. Now, today is Thursday and I'm going to run to a few stores and Walgreens.
I have very little to show from the sewing room. Here are about half of the subunits from the black & gold grad quilt. This has been way out of my comfort zone as you slice on an angle then sew it all back together. Simple right? well, the odd angles don't line up and I'm cutting each stack just a little different so the seams won't line up...Think I'm going to learn to embrace the wonky-ness of it all!
But now, I think I hear JudyL telling me to put dinner in the crockpot, do your errands, make your calls then 'sew, sew, sew!'
Do you hear JudyL, too? :)
You have very good ears! :)
Boy, do I like that black and yellow together! Neat pattern too.
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