I had a binding dilemma this morning. Usually I place my double fold binding into a baggie then pin the baggie to the ironing board. The binding pulls out of the baggie beautifully for me with no wrinkles or crinkles. Today I knew that I wanted to use the ironing board to support the extra weight of the Navajo Log Cabin. Then I remembered this
post of JoAnne's with an improvement of the baggie system!

She empties her garbage can (very important!), places a fresh bag in and places her double fold binding in 'the can'!
Here it is...alternative uses for 'things' in the sewing room...please look 'past the mess'...I'm NOT the neatest 'kid on the block'!
Thanks JoAnne for an improvement on a tip I had passed on! Visit JoAnne's
nappinnana quilts blog to see what else she is doing! I'll give you a hint: She's been bitten by a 'bug' that is going around blogland currently. :) Now you'll just have to hop over there and *see* how she is doing! :)
I use an empty plastic coffee can! And your floor is much cleaner than mine! Can hardly wait to see the finished quilt.
Glad you remembered my tip when you needed it. And that's not much of a mess - you should see mine now!
well, that is a handy hint-I just leave the rolled up binding in my lap, but, this probably works better!
your quilt came out gorgeous-even if it is brown :-) and look at all the lovely fabric that has come your way lately-you have been busy! love how your daughter has talked you into a crafting birthday party...what a terrific mom you are to take on doing all that.
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