Wednesday, April 8, 2020

WIP Wednesday 4.8.2020

Continuing the flag/blue/gold quilt...

panto: large scribbles...

of course! lol

Linking up with:

Susan at Midweek Makers

I also made a mask.

I followed the Jenny Doan tutorial but...

I just wasn't grooving' to it....

I've been looking at sooo many mask tutorials, trying to figure out one that looked like it would work better for me. I finally saw one on Facebook. It has a filter pocket and showed how to make four at once. I wished I had bookmarked the video, but of course, I didn't. :(  If by chance this video belonged to you, let me know! I want to give credit where credit is due...

It started with an 8 inch x WOF of the front and 8 inch x WOF backing fabric. I then adjusted the cut of the pocket to 6.5 inch x WOF for the filter. Maybe I'll write up/photograph the steps and post here on the blog...

My model is DD! You're rocking the healthy breathing as she went to pick up the pizza. Yesterday was her day to cook!

1 comment:

Marsha Cooper said...

I like your masks. I am out of elastic, so be sure to let me know if you do a tutorial type post :)