Wednesday, May 27, 2020

WIP Wednesday 5.27.2020

I added a few more floating stars to the panel.

I also added a few more borders to bring him to size and


a completed flimsy...

I am really fortunate. A friend was closing her shop here in Wisconsin and moving to Arizona a few years back. She didn't want to move a lot of her fabric so she came to guild and offered her fabric for $2.00/yard. I must have brought about 6 or 8 yards of this gold not knowing where I would use it. I also brought about 4 yards of all her other blender colors she offered. The dark brown is also from Kirby. The maroon inside the stars was suppose to go for another project I had in mind, it didn't work there but definitely works here. It came from a visit to Nancy's Notions booth at the Great Wisconsin Quilt Show. The inside navy border is JoAnn's. I tend to pull from stash whatever color suits, no matter it's origin. I am so fortunate that during this 'coronavirus pandemic' I have been able to go to my stash and continue to make quilts for others.

Linking up with:

Susan at MidWeek Makers


Anonymous said...

I like it! Patriotic but not your RWB!


Susan said...

That looks fantastic! Great design work