Monday, September 9, 2024

Bell Creek Quilts or Bust 9.9.2024

After a quick breakfast with DD, it will be time to get on the road and travel back to Bell Creek Quilts. A shout out to my wonderful Wisconsin quilty friends that attended my lecture to support me! You all are the greatest! 💚💛💚 

My 'stuff' seems to have exploded in the back of my SUV... All the luggage now has quilts plus there is a layer of quilts on the folded middle row of seats. Note to self: make smaller quilt to illustrate the lecture in future trunk shows.

The RSC color of September is black...not sure that I am liking the black background to the blog...

1 comment:

Vicki in MN said...

I didn't realize you were doing a lecture at the show, what was the topic?