Saturday, February 1, 2025

SAHRR Round 2 2.1.2025

Anja of Anja Quilts is our hostess for Round 2 in SAHRR 2025. You will never guess! Anja chose half square triangles for this round and here, I just made a round of pinwheels for 'P is for Pat's Pinwheels'.

I didn't want to make more pinwheels and I wasn't sure 'where and what' I was heading for this quilt so, I procrastinated ALL.WEEK.LONG...

I finally decided on making half square triangles and then cut them up. :) I used Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Mountain Majesties pattern. I'm still undecided on the 'how' of Round 2. I might make four more to add to the sides.

pattern:     center: 2025 Stash Buster Challenge block
                 round 1: pinwheels and 'pathway' blocks
                 round 2: Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Mountain Majesties block
In other sewing news, Baby Brother is having tension issues again while I was sewing the binding down for the next QOV. Well, I went to the 'spa' and the diagnosis is: Operator Error. Wrong size/ dull needle for the (too thick) thread I was using (permacore tex 30). She suggested a sharp 90 needle. So I brought a pack and will try it out. She discouraged using an universal needle as they have a rounded tip and tend to become dull faster. In the mean time, I am ripping out the little bit of binding I sewed back before I realized my problems. :)

Sharing today with Anja of Anja Quilts for SAHRR 2025 Round 2.

1 comment:

Nann said...

It's such fun to see the interpretations of each SAHRR prompt. I rediscovered scrappy mountains last year and love them.