Saturday, March 1, 2025

Another All Wrapped Up In One! 3.1.2025


Finish or NOT Friday:

I completed all my Modified Nine Patch blocks and started placing them on the design wall.

Streak of Lighting:

Horizontal Wave:

Many Trips Around the World:

Barn Raising:

Off Center Barn Raising:

The Off Center is my favorite setting for the Modified Nine Patch so that is the one I went with. It is now at the flimsy stage so this is my addition to Alycia's Finish or NOT Firday.

pattern: Modified Nine Patch

Today is also the first Saturday of March of the color yellow. This means that I was working on my Mary's Happy Blocks.

Sharing with SoScrappy Saturday.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Off center barnraising was also my favorite. Happy stitching!

Delighted Hands said...

What a ton of fun to play with the placement of the blocks!!! I do like the off-center design, too!

Susie H said...

Great name for those blocks as they are certainly happy. Have a great sewing week!