I was excited to sew the final two prompt rows for my 2025 SAHRR Row by Row. I chose pinwheels for prompt 1: use your initial and prompt 2: flying geese for the half square triangle block. I squeaked by with just enough of the sashing and border fabrics. It is approximately 46 x 66 before quilting.
pattern: row 1: prompt 2: half square triangles by Anja
row 2: prompt 5: half log cabin by Brenda
row 3: prompt 6: kites by Emily
row 4: prompt 3: stars by Gail
row 5: prompt 4: sliced squares by Wendy
row 6: prompt 1: block using initial (pinwheel for Pat) by Kathleen
Thanks again to Cathy at Sane, Crazy and Crumby Quilting for the inspiration!
Whoop Whoop!! it looks GREAT!!!
Now that is a great row quilt!!! Good job!
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