Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stash Busting Report Week #9

I had a week where I was pushing buttons and the fabric arrived at my I fell off the to speak.

Here is my report for week #9:
  • fabric received in: 8 yards (ouch!)
  • fabric used: 4 yards

net total year to date: -7.5 yards (used)

What I accomplished this week:

  • pieced backing for 'Florida' quilt
  • made an appointment for LA-ing 'Florida' and 'Leaves'...drop off on Monday
  • continue to piece black and gold grad quilt (now named 'PUTZY')

Goals for this week:

  • finish PUTZY to a flimsy
  • piece backing for PUTZY
  • drop PUTZY off for LA-ing quilting world seems to revolve around that good or bad?

DS is worried cuz he caught me carrying on a conversation with Putzy....Putzy is a very good listener :)


Lori in South Dakota said...

Naming your quilts makes me laugh. Wonder what the rest of us might name some of our quilts??!!

Faith said...

putzy is also a good name for a cat so if anyone has a kitten wanting a name call it Putzy!! I think thats a great name. Some of my items have names too which makes my partner laughs Zola the sewing machine, betty the hoover..well life would be boring wouldnt it if we didnt have names for things.. Happy Quilting x