I didn't think I'd have the chance to join in
Quilt-a-thon but DH and DS have gone on a few errands and DD was watching a movie on the Disney Channnel. I scurried down to the sewing room to slice and sew my remaining sub units in the black & gold grad quilt. See, I had four stacks to go...

...and I finished piecing all four sub unit stacks...
...and I even sewed one 'wonky' block together!
Hi Pat...I saw your quilt a thon email up on Judy's site and thought I recognized your face so I looked closer. We are in the same quilt guild! I'm the gal who sent your handmade stockings and pillowcases out to our men overseas. I've subscribed to your blog so I can see more of what you are doing. How fun!
I love the "wonky" look of the block and look forward to seeing more. BTW your "package" arrived today. Thank you so much. Go over to the blog to see more. = )
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