Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quilt Give-away

Hop on over to Dana's blog, Old Red Barn Company. She will be giving away a quilt to celebrate her 200th post. Today (March 12th) she was on post #198.

1 comment:

Finn said...

Hi Pat, how are things in your corner of WI? We've got the bright sun and dripping eaves up here in WC nice to see the sun and have it a bit warmer.
Wanted to tell you the goodie bags you and DD were working on are just darling. And what a cutie she is *VBS*
Tell her I just love the name she gave her Bitsy Baby.
I'm trying to keep the faith til it's time to buy flowers. In the meantime I'm planting my seeds from Granny Lyn *VBS* Hugs, Finn