Another floral Disappearing 9 Patch is done! I miscalculated on the green and brown so I had to substitute in a little different shades. You know, I actually kinda like the checkerboard effect the green sashing strips make although the green pinwheels are harder to see. This quilt is just enough different so when the Brownie Moms get them, the quilts will be the same enough to match yet different enough to stand on their own. What a happy accident, er, design opportunity :) I quilted it with the Trailing Vine panto from Willow Leaf Studio.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Another Floral Disappearing 9 Patch
Another floral Disappearing 9 Patch is done! I miscalculated on the green and brown so I had to substitute in a little different shades. You know, I actually kinda like the checkerboard effect the green sashing strips make although the green pinwheels are harder to see. This quilt is just enough different so when the Brownie Moms get them, the quilts will be the same enough to match yet different enough to stand on their own. What a happy accident, er, design opportunity :) I quilted it with the Trailing Vine panto from Willow Leaf Studio.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
WIP Wednesday
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What I've Been Up To...
What a difference a few hours of sorting and putting things away makes! Hope I can keep it neat and organized! DS did comment on how he didn't realize that I had so much counter space in the sewing room! I really would rather have been sewing but it's a good thing company is arriving this weekend because, I do admit, a clean-up was long overdue :)
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Stash Busting Report Week # 21
- fabric received in: + 10 yards
- fabric used: -10 yards
- net fabric for the week: 0 yards
Net fabric year to date: -25 yards
What I accomplished this week:
- hand sewed binding back on blue/yellow Strip Twist
- quilted and bound green/white Pineapple Blossom
- framed out the QOV label
Goals for next week:
- continue piecing another floral Disappearing 9 Patch
- help sew back the binding on my group's QOV
JudyL blogged about setting a stashbusting goal and how close we are to the goal, since we are almost halfway through the year. goal was just to start using my stash and help me stay on track. I really think that I do 'need' to set a number goal and that will help nudge me in the right direction. I'll have to figure out what a realistic 'number goal' will be for me then I'll let you know. I generally make throw size quilts so my yardage per quilt is less than, let say, someone who makes queen size bed quilts usually.
This week there are many things happening around here that are not quilt related. Shocking but true! Saturday is DD's 9th birthday! so preparations for the big day and a party with her friends at a wall climbing gym, two scout meetings, the big state report is due for DD (she choose Michigan) and my in-laws are planning a visit to arrive on June 1st! The kids and I have already started re-organizing (read: de-trashing) a few rooms with more to go! DD and I are going to tackle her room and if I have the stamina...the sewing room!
Friday, May 23, 2008
A Cute Blog Give-Away

Equal Opportunity Quilting
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
WIP Wednesday
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
Okay, seems easy. Here it goes:
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I was a non-profit stay-at-home Mom. DS was 7 years old and in first grade. DH was working at a dairy in Flint, Michigan and we lived in the 'burb of Grand Blanc. DD wasn't born yet (she arrived in May 1999).
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list for today (not in any particular order): pick-up and vacuum the first floor, wash DD's clothes, buy tomatoes for DH's lunch, drop off Box Tops at DD's school (it's a kid thing :)), take DS's towel to his bathroom, wrap DD's birthday gifts, quilt on Pineapple Blossom, address DD's birthday invitations, post this blog, do I only get 5?!
3. Snacks I enjoy: Vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, triscuits with cheese, broccoli with Ranch dressing, M&M peanuts and Mom's chocolate chip cookies.
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: travel to Alaska and Hawaii, buy a summer only home on Mackinac Island, Michigan, send DS to any school (college or trade) he wants to attend, invest for DD's schooling (college or trade), buy land close to where I was living and build a great big storage shed for all of the family stuff! and buy a 105th limited edition Harley for DH.
5. Peeps I want to know more about: You and you and you! Play along if you wish and considered yourself tagged! Please do not feel that you have to play, it is just for fun. Reading about other people's lives is so interesting!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Stash Busting Week #20
- fabric received in: + 8 yards
- fabric used: -15 yards
- net fabric for the week: -7 yards
Net fabric year to date: -25 yards
What I accomplished this week
- quilted and bound floral Disappearing 9 Patch
- finished piecing and quilted blue and yellow Strip Twist
Goals for this week
- sew binding onto blue and yellow Strip Twist
- quilt and bind green and white Pineapple Blossom
- piece another floral Disappearing 9 Patch to a flimsy
- make label for day guild's Quilt of Valor
Let's hope I can get it all accomplished! This is definately 'crunch time' for me. I tend to have alot of deadlines as I give a lap quilt (45 x 60) to the teachers in DD's life. This year we have...1 regular teacher, 2 bus drivers, 2 Brownie leaders and 1 piano teacher! Guess who is getting the Elvis quilt from a few posts ago...hehehe! I also have 3 graduation quilts. Well 4, if you count the black and gold already gifted to my nephew for his college graduation last semester! The graduations yet to come are 1 college and 2 high school. School is also out for the summer in 4 short weeks then my sewing machine and Valerie will be very lonely as I spend more time with the kids and less in the sewing it should be when the kiddos are home :)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Quilt-a-thon #4 Day 1
Friday, May 16, 2008
Floral Disappearing 9 Patch
Carolyn from Ohio Quilter's Journey is giving away fabric. Hop over to her blog and answer a question to be eligible.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Ardith!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
WIP Wednesday
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Stash Busting Report Week #19
- fabric received in: 3 yards
- fabric used: -8 yards
- net fabric for the week: -5 yards
Net fabric year to date: -18 yards
What I accomplished this week:
- sewed binding onto kitty 9 patch pizzazz
- quilted and bound Elvis quilt
- made surprise birthday gift (I'll show you later, okay?)
- made Secret Santa guild gifts (I know, I know but same as above birthday gift and I had everything ready to I made them :) )
Goals for next week:
- piece blue and yellow Strip Twist *total avoidance here, gang :( *
- quilt and bind Disappearing 9 Patch
Think if I keep the goals light then I actually may work on the blue and yellow top? Let cross our fingers (and toes, too!) and because you made it this far in reading about my week, here is the quilty picture. Notice DS's eyes mugging for the camera :)
If you are interested in how I made this Checkerboard Quilt, the tutorial is here. Please be advised that I have never written a tutorial before so when you find 'something' that needs changing, please be kind and e-mail me and let me know. Thanks!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Kitty 9 Patch Pizzazz
I quilted it with the Cotton Candy Pantograph that came with Valerie and machine stitched the binding onto this quilt. This is the fun back that I found. It has kitties and yarn balls and mice and fish skeletons on it. I started to worry that the yellow on the front and the cream on the back might be too light to give a child and it would stain and show the dirt but I'm trusting just the right child will receive this quilt and love it to pieces!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Congratulations to...
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Blogger Withdraw Pains
And just for fun, the "me-me" going around....**You have to use the first letter of your first name to answer each of the following. One word only. They have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question**
VEHICLE: Porsche
TV SHOW: Partridge Family
CITY: Paris
OCCUPATION: policeman
FOOD: pizza
as Finn said, "and I'm going to tag you and you and you and you...."
Monday, May 5, 2008
Buenos Cinco de Mayo and 100 Posts!
and because I LOVE Blog Give-Aways...I decided to take a peek in the sewing room and see 'what' was hanging around that might like to come live at YOUR house! I'm going to give away a copy of Karla Alexander's New Cuts For New Quilts (I received two copies at Christmas), a 3 pack of Klasse 80/12 Titanium needles (I spray baste my smaller tops to quilt and it really does reduce the sticking and skipping stitches!), a bottle of Mary Ellen's Spray Starch Alternative in Lavendar Fields fragrance, a fairy notepad and maybe some sort of chocolate when I get to the store :) All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this '100 post' and tell me where you are from! Easy Peasy, right? go ahead and enter, if you want, wherever you are from...I'm interested in knowing who reads my blog so I will post your prize to where you live be it California, Texas, Montana, Cannada, Australia, France or Timbuktu :) Please make sure you have your e-mail turned on in your profile if you blog, if not...please leave a valid e-mail address so I can let you know you won! I will stop counting comments on Friday May 9, 2008 at 5:00pm Wisconsin time (central time zone USA), simply because I live in Wisconsin :) and I'll have my DD draw a name out of the to speak.
Good Luck!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Stash Busting Report Week #18
Here is my report for this week:
- fabric received in: 6 yards
- fabric used: -16.5 yards
- net fabric for week: -10.5 yards (used)
Net fabric year to date: -13 yards (used)
What I accomplished this week:
- quilted three donation tops
- bound two donation quilts
- sewed units for blue and yellow Strip Twist
- pieced Elvis checkerboard to a flimsy
Goals for next week:
- bind third donation quilt
- quilt and bind Elvis top
- sew blue and yellow Strip Twist to a flimsy (this is a carryover)
- start making a surprise birthday gift for a quilt-y friend
I decided to put the blue/yellow Strip Twist units on the back burner and let them simmer. It is my hope that I will be rejuvenated to sew them into a flimsy when I get them out again. In the mean time, LindaJ at Life with Quilts and a Busy Boy Kitty asked if I would write up how I had made the Checkerboard Border quilt from a few posts back. So I dug into the stash and come up with the Elvis quilt top. I took pictures along the way but haven't written a tutorial yet. Maybe that should be a goal for next week, eh? The Elvis quilt will be gifted to DD's music teacher in June.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Pirate Booty
Thanks Toni at The Quilting Pirate. I won her birthday/ Earth Day give-away and received all these wonderful things in the mail :)
I LOVE give-aways....ummmm...maybe I should host one since I'm nearing the 100th post mark...ummmmm....
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Hope You Had a Nice MAY DAY! we go:
Five Things Found in your PURSE/BAG
- wallet
- cell phone
- surprise birthday party invitation
- JoAnn Fabrics flyer/coupon
- nametag (usually forget it on guild meetings so now I always have it!)
Five Favorite Things in my BEDROOM
- cross stitch picture made by DH's Grandma about 20 years ago
- baby doll from my sister
- basket cradle for doll that I made about 15 years ago
- green ceramic pitcher made by my Mom
- electric heating mattress pad...LOVE a warm bed :)
Five Things I've Always Wanted To Do
- travel to Hawaii
- travel to Alaska
- drive a Porsche
- plant a garden (it's a Wisconsin thing)
- own a horse (but I'm a city girl through and through :) )
Five Things That I'm Currently Into
- quilting
- blogging
- IM-ing (thanks FAB's for helping me :) )
- making lists
- Red Wings Hockey
Wow...I made it! If you would like to play along, consider yourself tagged. Leave a comment and I'll hop on over to your blog and check out your FLUFF FIVE :)