Sue R was asking about how I went about making rag quilts since I recently cut up a bit of my batting scraps in order to make more rags quilts. The following are a few of the rag quits I have made, unfortunately my picture taking skills haven't seemed to improve with time. Please excuse the 'wonky' (and downright bizarre) pictures. Thanks.

This rag beauty was entered in the 2006
Bear Creek Quilt Guild show...theme 'Black and White and Red All Over'. It now lives with Brother #4.

This rag goofball was a coffee theme. It lives with my favorite sister (I only have she's my fav sister :) )
Why I took the picture sideways I have no idea!

Another black and white rag but it centered around some teacup fabric I found. SIL#2 is a tea drinker and it lives at her house.
One thing about giving rag quilts as gifts, it truly is a gift that keeps giving because as it sheds more and more threads, my family thinks of me...LOL. I have also used homespun plaids, Brownies Scout themed hearts, and butterflies to name a few. I considering cutting back into the florals to make a floral rag quilt...but I'm not quite ready to make more floral quilts. :)
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