On the quilt-y front, I decided to cancel out of my textures long arm class this coming Wednesday at the Gammill Dealer. I think I would enjoy the class and take away more knowledge when I am less pre-occupied. Target time for class will be in the Fall and it will be a pretty ride here in Wisconsin with the leaves changing color. Funny how you make a decision like this and agonize over it, yet all along it must have been the right thing to do. DH came home from work last night and said he was heading to Iowa on business and planned to spend the night. Which night you might ask? I think we can all guess...Wednesday! If DS was scheduled to work then there would have been no one home for DD. Must have been the right decision all along...pantos will be the order of quilting for a spell at least.
The FAB's also suggested that I put away the Disappearing 9 Patches that have me bogged down and sew something I want to sew. I just hate to see the cut pieces become a UFO and unassembled at that! I did piece together a few more blocks and it was stress free! woohoo! Once again, their wise words will prevail...I will put away the d9p and start to sew on my nephew's graduation quilt. We are planning a whirlwind trip to Michigan for his graduation party the third weekend in June. DS wants to go, they have been BFF's---can boys be BFF's?---since my nephew was walking and DS was crawling...they are 13 months apart in age...yet DS doesn't want to take a lot of time away from his new-ish position. Can you believe it?...17 years old and getting to try his hand at chef-ery. One of the things he thinks he might want to pursue as a career. woohoo!
one of my sons graduated from the Culinary Institute here in Portland-very expensive but he paid for it with his army money-way to bake those loaves! I am sure they will be a hit and much easier than more quilts to make. and DD was involved-a win win for sure...
Yeah, our wisdom is seasoned with AGE! Nice that Shelley could had over the bread knowing she helped to make it!
Things do happen for a reason, Pat. Something was telling you that the timing just wasn't right for the long arm class.
I am glad that you took our advice or suggestions, whatever! Truth be told we are pretty bossy and probably just plain "told" you to, LOL.
Bet you felt like a weight has been lifted from those shoulders. Jump start Paul's quilt sooner than you had hoped. If you need someone to nag you about finishing up those D9P down the line in a month or two, we'll do that too. What are friends for?
The bread looks yummy. I have a good recipe that is low sugar and low fat if you are interested.
I say sew what you want to sew. Why not let DD work on the D9P? Might be a good starting quilt for her. Hmmm, she already likes to cook, now hook her on quilting too!
Wow....those FABs sure seem like they are full of wisdom! *WINK*
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