Here is the door that leads from the garage/mud/laundry room to the kitchen. Behind this door are some very big holes from the previous owner. They must have hung something heavy there as the holes are from those sinker thingies that expand as you screw the nail into the wall.
I've been wanting to make a little wall hanging to cover those holes since we moved in two years ago but I wasn't sure what to make. I had brought some kitchen-y fabric before the move thinking it would make a good stack-and-whack but never got around to stacking and whacking it! (sound familiar?!)

Fast forward to the November meeting at the
Oconomowoc Quilt Guild. Lucky me! I won the last door prize and it was this book,
Tessellation Quilts by Christine Porter. I have been fascinated by tessellation quilts and now I own a whole book of ideas! :)

This past week, I was able to pull and wash the kitchen-y fabric and a few go-withs. Here is the finished quilt hanging by the kitchen table. I need to search and find my other two hangers so it can hang behind the door and cover those un-sightly holes!

A close-up of the quilting...
Popcorn...and the tessellation. I sewed a six inch spacer between
Santa and this kitchen quilt, pinned the piece to the long arm and just kept rolling and sewing on Friday. I got this idea from
Lori at this
post. I did change out thread color but it was a really fast way to quilt up theses two wall hangings! Fellow bloggers are so smart and willing to share their knowledge!
I love this quilt, Pat! I have the same book but I have yet to make anything from it.
Oh I love this quilt too. Such a simple pattern makes great quilts.
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