I'm inching along on the Blueberry Cheese Spread. I joined the blocks and inner sashing Thursday but it pretty much looks the same as

(No~this isn't me or DD~just a cute girl on an Inchworm riding toy that popped up when I Goggled

I pieced the sub-units to the outer borders earlier today. Next up is to work on putting these units together. I'm making this a twin size and I had forgotten when you add more blocks for a bigger than lap-size, it takes an equally longer time to sew and finish.
So I'll be here 'inching along' as time permits...
Been there, done that, got the UFOs to prove it! lol
Hi Pat, I've been chuckling over the name of your quilt. The other day I thought you were on a cooking spree! It's looking great! I can't even imagine making a king size quilt, that's for sure.
Cute, Pat! I am also inching along on my Cheese Spread. I have the inner border cut but never got around to getting it put on today. However, all the units for the outer border are ready to go and i have put together enough of those little suckers to do one side border. I would like to get this done to the flimsy stage this weekend but I might be biting off more than I can chew!
I can't wait to see the blueberry progress! I love it already!
sometimes bigger does take a big more work, but not much!
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